Where are Uploaded Photos on Blogspot Saved?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

How to check uploaded photos on Blogger?

Where is my photos saved in Blogspot?

How to delete uploaded photos from Blogspot's server?

When you upload photos while writing a blog post, the image code automatically appears and sometimes you wonder where it is saved.

In case you don't know, they are actually uploaded and saved into Picasa Web Albums linked to your Google Account, which is the also the account you use to log-in Blogspot.

picasa logo

Once you're in Picasa, you might need to log-in with your Google account. After that, you'll see your available albums.

picasa albums

You'll be able to see albums for all the blogs associated with your Google account. There is a special album "Blogger Pictures" just for your uploaded profile pictures as well.

Click on any of the albums to view the photos you've uploaded.

picasa photos

Every album has a limit of 1000 photos and a new album will be automatically created when a current album is full.

With that, you'll be able to upkeep the album and delete any unnecessary not-used photos uploaded previously.

Duplicates are advised to be deleted as well because it saves space. But be careful not to delete images that are currently in-use in your blog, or else the image link will be broken and will not be displayed on your blog.
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How do I add Reactions to Blogger ?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Adding Reactions is done through the settings page of the Blog Post widget. From the Layout | Page Elements tab, simply click the 'Edit' link under the Blog Post widget and a settings window will pop up.

The Configure Blog Post window will display a handful of options, and the Reactions feature is near the bottom of the list:

To turn on Reactions just select the checkbox, and then you will be able to customize the feature by adding word of your choosing. Finally, you can choose the exact location of Reactions by dragging the widget at the bottom of the Configure Blog Post page:

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12 Things To Do After Creating New Blogspot Blog

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What to do after creating a new Blogspot blog?

What necessary actions need to be taken with a new blog?

Here are 12 things you should do after setting up a new blog with Blogspot.

First, head to the Settings and you'll be on the "Basic" section.

1) Make sure you have a good blog title and description.

blogger title description

2) If you want to drive traffic to the blog, pick "Yes" for "Add your blog to our listings?" and "Let search engines find your blog?"

blogger listing

After that, head on to the "Formatting" section.

3) Select the number of posts you want to be shown on the main page. The lesser the posts, the faster the loading speed of the homepage.

blogger number of posts

4) Adjust the time zone depending on which country you reside in.

blogger time zone

Then, continue to the "Comments" section.

5) Select who can comment on your blog. It depends on how much you welcome comments from strangers.

blogger who can comment

6) Select the type of comment form placement you want. There are 3 choices and each of them are different. I'd recommend it to be embedded below post.

blogger comment form

7) If you would like to display backlinks to your blog posts, select "Show" and the links will be shown. Indirectly, your readers will be able to access to the links if they are interested.

blogger backlinks

8) If you prefer to keep track and moderate the comments received on the blog, select "Always". Comments submitted will not be shown immediately as a result. Otherwise, select "Never".

blogger comment moderation

9) I personally don't like guessing some funny words and type them out just to make sure I'm not a robot or some sort. But if you really want to prevent spam, by all means, say "Yes" to word verification.

blogger word verification

10) If you like to see profile images of the commentators on the comment section, selecting "Yes" would be a good option.

blogger profile image

Next, the "Site Feed" section.

11) Remember to allow the default feed on your blog so that people can subscribe to your blog and receive updates easily.

blogger allow feed

12) If you have created a custom feed on Feedburner or some other external feed manager, do include the feed link as well. It will automatically redirect your default feed to the custom feed.

blogger redirect feed

And that's all for now. Hope this guide will help those who've just started a new Blogspot blog.
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What is Following in Blogger ?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do you have a favorite blog and want to let the author and readers know that you are a fan? Well now you can do that and more with the Blogger Following feature! You can even keep track of the blogs you follow via your Reading List on the Blogger dashboard.

How do I become a Follower of a blog?

There are several ways to become a follower of a blog. One of the easiest ways is to visit a blog that has added the Following widget and click on the "Follow" button under the "Followers" widget:

You'll then see a popup window with the options to either follow publicly or privately:

Select how you'd like to follow the blog, then click the "Follow this blog" button. It is that simple, you are now a follower of the blog! If you elected to follow the blog publicly, your profile picture will be displayed on the blog with a link to your Blogger profile (Note: The widget may not show all followers of the blog. If this is the case all followers will be linked from the widget). When you become a follower of a blog, the blog will also be added to your Reading List on your Blogger dashboard and this site will also show on your FriendConnect profile for all the sites you've joined using Friend Connect. Additionally, you can become a follower of any blog or URL (even if the blog doesn't have the Followers widget) by adding the blog to your Reading List on the dashboard.

FTP Blogs

If you join/follow an FTP blog from your dashboard or the Nav bar, the owner of the blog WON'T be informed that you followed the blog. However, if you join/follow normally (via the gadget) the owner WILL be informed that you followed the blog.

How to remove yourself from following a blog

The easiest way to remove yourself from following a blog is to visit the blog, and click "Settings" under the Following widget on the blog.

You will then see a pop-up window with your profile settings. Click the "Stop following this site" link and you will be removed from following the blog. If the blog doesn't have a Followers widget, you can still stop following the blog. To do so, go to the "Blogs I'm Following" tab under your Reading List on your dashboard.

Then click the blue "Manage" button. You will then see a list of all the blogs that you are following. To stop following a blog, click the "stop following" link next to the blog you want to stop following.

Lastly, following a blog will create a subscription to the blog in your Google Reader account.

What does Blocking a follower do?

When you Block a follower of your blog, the user will no longer appear in the Followers Gadget on your blog and will not see your blog in their Blogger Reading List. However, since your blog is public, the user can still use the other feed readers to subscribe to your blog, read your posts, and comment.

How to grow your audience with Following

The Followers widget is a great tool to help you grow your blog's audience. Readers often visit a blog and enjoy it but fail to return. With the followers widget you can get all readers to return and become a fan. We highly recommend that you write a post about your followers widget and encourage all readers to become a follower. Additionally you should put your followers widget at the top of your sidebar so more readers will notice it. Many readers ignore sidebar items so by writing a post about your followers widget and moving the widget to the top of your sidebar, you will inevitably grow your audience.

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How To Change Dimension of Photo Manually on Blogspot

How to modify the photo resolution on Blogger?
How to change size of photo manually on Blogspot?
How to edit the picture size on photos uploaded on Blogspot?

If you want to manually change the dimension, or distort the size, of a particular photo uploaded on Blogger, here's how.

This is the sample picture.

After uploading, check the code and look for "width:" and "height:" from the photo code.

<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h8eC61avCMk/Sj47sGxezHI/AAAAAAAAA-8/yxPvykDZdDQ/s1600-h/asian.jpg"><img style="display: block; margin: 0px auto 10px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 265px;" src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h8eC61avCMk/Sj47sGxezHI/AAAAAAAAA-8/yxPvykDZdDQ/s400/asian.jpg" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5466089975697168450" border="0" /></a>

Then change the pixels to your desired dimension.

Here's an example of "width: 200px; height: 500px;".

Enjoy changing the dimension!
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How To Remove Link on Photos Uploaded to Blogger

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to disable linking on photos uploaded on Blogspot?
How to unlink the pictures on Blogspot?

Everytime when you upload a picture onto your blog post, the picture will be automatically linked to its original sized picture.

If you want to disable/remove the auto-linking, here's how.

honey jar
Here's one picture freshly uploaded onto this blog post. As you can see, whenever you mouse-over the picture, the cursor will change to a pointer style and it's clickable.

To remove the link, you have to dig into the code of the photo.

<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_h8eC61avCMk/SlYZCOEdQ-I/AAAAAAAABCU/v0M-TPWHbVk/s1600-h/honey.jpg"><img style="display: block; margin: 0px auto 10px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 300px; height: 400px;" src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_h8eC61avCMk/SlYZCOEdQ-I/AAAAAAAABCU/v0M-TPWHbVk/s400/honey.jpg" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5466089975697168450" border="0" /></a>

As you can see from the code above, you should remove the code highlighted in orange to remove the link.

Therefore, this would be the remaining code.

<img style="display: block; margin: 0px auto 10px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 300px; height: 400px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgRKum0e-wONJGqaYM7vzMgUhfNrH-LVqOC-z0dDoDzchFH7iUOXcuJTiIqSQUBZjS1PRdfAT3hsfYBCdlIPpVSrxCrdgQ1VcD0DuSlLW0tRYeNcSsKdY4A47BKg9Y3Rf8FnuI-S338QLv2/s400/honey.jpg" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5466089975697168450" border="0" />

However, if you want to remove the pointer cursor as well, you should remove the "cursor" part from the remaining code.

And this would be the final picture.

honey jar
Now the picture is not linked, not clickable and the cursor doesn't change to a pointer whenever you mouse-over it.

That's it!
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How To Change Default Photo Size Uploaded on Blogspot

Saturday, May 8, 2010

How to change the size on photos uploaded on Blogger?
How to set the original photo size on Blogspot?
How to modify the size of photos uploaded on Blogspot via Picasa?
How to change the photos uploaded on Blogspot to the original size?
How to edit the size of the photos uploaded on Blogspot?

If you have uploaded a photo bigger than the default 400px x 400px maximum width and height on Blogspot and would like to display its original size, here's how.

baby tiger

Here's a demonstration: You uploaded this (tiger) picture onto your Blogspot (which is originally larger at 1071px x 1600px), and you want it to be displayed on a bigger scale. What you need to do is to look at the HTML section of the particular blog post.

Look for the code lines for the picture. It will look somehow like this.

<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_w_GFTyFdgVo/S9tz30_A2EI/AAAAAAAABKA/P2IFW7Zce4g/s1600/IMG_5331.JPG"><img style="display: block; margin: 0px auto 10px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 300px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgxzhS6Ce_fPFa39wn68qlUnDFVkFCdDwgdJQVtHKy7C_Z41qOTf5RB7EWa3BOEyBt2ilz05XvCGN3X1tURRlEejOZMsT2dfbXHw9-bh0SAEjfFZ_lhFCsHnJhUlEuQxAmXvz7b4qUSk_30/s400/DSC_0232.JPG" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5466089975697168450" border="0" /></a>

Then, all you need to do is to change the URL's (highlighted in Orange) "s400" part.

Change it to:
  • s800 - for medium size.
  • S1600 - for full size.
When it's changed to s800, here's the medium size of the photo shown.

baby tiger

Now the displayed photo size is 536px x 800px.

Likewise, change it to "s1600" if you want to display to full size of the photo.

Take note: s800 and s1600 has no connection with the height and width, and may show different results compared to the demonstration shown here. It varies depending on the original size of your uploaded photo.

Any questions are welcomed.
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