How to Auto Post on Twitter

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The popularity of Twitter has encouraged many people to look for ways to auto post to Twitter. Several third party applications such as and allow auto posting of blogs and simultaneous auto post of tweets to multiple social networking sites

How to Auto Post Blogs to Twitter Using is a popular application used to auto post blogs to Twitter. In fact, latest statistics show Twitterfeed auto posting more than one million feeds to Twitter and Facebook.

How to Auto Post TwitterLearning how to auto post to Twitter via Twitterfeed entails three basic steps

  1. Registering with Twitterfeed.
  2. Connecting the Twitter account to Twitterfeed by providing Twitter account details at Twitterfeed.
  3. Copy-Pasting the RSS feed URL for the blog or content that requires auto posting into Twitterfeed.

RSS feed URL is available in the following ways:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox have icons on the right-hand side of the address bar. Clicking on this opens the RSS feed.
  • Most blogs and websites contain a button with the label RSS, Atom, Syndicate, or similar.
  • The documentation of the blogging platform or software would show how to get the RSS feed URL.

RSS 2.0 or Atom format is the best option to select when multiple options of RSS Feed URL formats become available.

Twitterfeed has advanced settings options to customize the auto feed in terms of update frequency, the number of posts per update, post content, auto post prefix, auto post suffix, keyword filter and post sorting. Twitterfeed also provides various options to shorten the link. The default option is

An alternative to Twitterfeed is Like Twitterfield, requires the RSS field URL to auto post on Twitter. provides the user with the option to create a route from the RSS source URL to Twitter.

How to Auto Post Twitter Using and Similar Applications is a downloadable java based twitter application that auto posts tweets per the specified schedule. The advantage of AutoTweeter is the possibility to schedule customized tweets like congratulatory messages, greetings, remainders and the like. The product costs $19.

Using AutoTweeter to auto tweet entails the following steps:

  1. Creating the content as a text file.
  2. Using the Context Menu option to schedule the time interval for tweets.

AutoTweeter tweets each line of the specified text file as a separate tweet at the set intervals.

Tweeting Machine is another powerful Twitter tool that provides solutions on how to auto post twitter. Tweeting Machine allows auto post of multiple tweets with option to set when to start tweeting and the interval between tweets. This application also facilitates set up of direct messages (DM's) for each Twitter account and auto posting such DM's as replies to tweets received. Like AutoTweeter, Tweeting Machine is also a paid service costing $9.99 per moth.

A similar application to schedule tweets from phone is hootsuite.

How to Post on Facebook and Twitter Simultaneously

The popularity of Twitter and Facebook has led to the emergence of applications that provide solutions on how to post to Facebook and Twitter simultaneously. allows input of posts and collecting posts from email, phone and Facebook to auto feed on Twitter. is a similar application.

Applications such as TweetDeck and PeopleBrowsr have integrated Facebook and Twitter features that allow auto post of tweets to Facebook and Twitter simultaneously. SocialScope is another such application designed for the BlackBerry.

The best option to cancel or revoke any of these auto tweet applications is to login to Twitter, click on Settings, Connections, and Revoke Access for the appropriate service.

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