Keywords Meta Tag useless SEO With Google

Monday, September 6, 2010

What we are not unfamiliar with Matt Cutts, a Google representative regularly to address issues that concern gender Webmaster. Many people strongly for a guy like Matt to do about SEO and webmaster “heart attack” when giving the dimensions of information contrary to what people think.

This time is no exception when Matt confirmed that the Meta Keywords tag does not mean the SEO on Google. This is the 2nd in a few days recently. A few days ago, Matt also has plagued the SEO experts do not see Google recognize the HTML or CSS validation is to increase the ranking criteria for the site on Google SERPs.

Usually, we have used the tag keyword like hoping a good SEO on Google:
<meta content=”keyword 1,keyword 2″> Google SERPs keyword.
The Google bot is not as difficult as the keyword search on structure but actually Google does not want to be and tend to index the contents of each article to restrict the procedure to increase ranking on Google SERPs while content no good.
Another problem is that Google seems to be able to reduce resources more attention to the quality of the site not respected anymore keyword. This may be a step to encourage people to write content and avoid copying and copy today.

Google does not only confirm the use of Keywords Meta Tag, but other meta tags still considered important by Google. Tag keyword meta tag Google has been abandoned for years and Matt is also confirmed plans or change this policy.

You can hear Matt Cutts detailed explanation on this issue. English is the standard he should be very easy to understand:


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